Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Update from Bryan and Keah

Pieces of a letter from Keah:

Let me tell you what it is like in Africa, or at least where we are, Green, very very green, lots of trees, pine as well as many others, grass, cows, goats, white billowing clouds in a bright blue sky, mountains, forests with cool shade, and rain most every day. (It is at the end of the raining season now) The flowers are colorful and exotic. There are beautiful birds.

The food is good. We eat rice or nasima with every meal and some sort of meat. (beef, goat, fish, or soy) We have a fruit(avacodo, papia, pumpkin) and veggies. Beef does not come in hamburger form (actually not in any recognizable form) The goat comes litterally chopped bones and all. Fish is bought fresh and cooked whole or headless.The soy tastes like meat. We have three meals a day plus two tea times.

Where we are there are no poisonous plants or animals. No snakes, scorpions or other weird bad things.

We are well and loving the amazing God given land of Africa!

We have spoken to Bryan and Keah since receiving the above letter and here is a brief update.

A typical day for them starts at 6am. They eat with their host family then go to classes. Each morning they have one and a half hours of language and one and a half hours of culture and skill training. They go back to their home for lunch and then in the afternoon have another hour and half of language and another hour and a half of skill training. They said the people are all nice.(I am sure I over simplified this and they can correct it when they have computer time)

Monday April 2 they were in Lilongwe. They had a few minutes on line and were able to check e-mail. Keah said they got to go into a grocery store, to quote her " It was like Christmas!!!" They bought some chips and a candy bar.

This week (April 1-6) is their last week in their current village. They will leave Friday and meet with their fellow volunteers. They will find out which village they will be assingned. From there they will be taken to another village in southern Malawi. Then they will be sent out to find their village. They will have a week to find it and get there check things out and come back.

When they get back they will have a week of intensive language training and then a test. Please pray for them as they study the language. Also pray for safety as they travel on their own to find their village.

Keah was not sure of all the details. We will try to call them this weekend and get a update, or they may even have a chance to do the update before they leave for their village.

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